One of the many benefits of artificial grass is the low amount of maintenance required. Caring for your lawn will ensure it looks its best all year round and will have a maximum life cycle. Artificial grass is low maintenance, although not completely maintenance free.

- Regular brushing to ensure the pile is kept upright. The fibres should feel lush, and bouncy.
- Remove surface debris and vegetation – this will help prevent the build-up of organic matter which can encourage weed growth and may damage the drainage properties of your lawn.
- Remove stains and marks – ensure any stains and spillages are cleared up immediately by using water. Animal mess should be removed from your lawn and washed away with water and disinfectant.

- No chewing gum, or adhesives
- No cars, motorbikes, or heavy objects
- No sources of heat – smoking, bonfires, or fireworks
- No broken glass or sharp objects
Give your lawn an Annual Spring Clean with our maintenance package including:
Weed and Moss Removal
Preventative Chemical Treatment
Complete Grooming
From £295.00 + Vat
Call us now to book your Annual Spring Clean
or for a no-obligation quotation.